We are able to make various printings with inks, colors and shapes as you request.
So, we are able to produce high-resolution printings for displays and to meet your requests.
So, we are able to produce high-resolution printings for displays and to meet your requests.
œOn various shape
œWith inks you selected
œSmall quantity is welcomed
œWith our original inks; water repellency
œOn high-resolution display pan
œProper cleaning after printing
œQuality control with proper analyzers
œConsignment processing is also available (From trial production to mass production)
œWith inks you selected
œSmall quantity is welcomed
œWith our original inks; water repellency
œOn high-resolution display pan
œProper cleaning after printing
œQuality control with proper analyzers
œConsignment processing is also available (From trial production to mass production)
Process & Equipment

