Glass composition development
We have original know-how to develop glass composition and melt and form glass.
Mainly, optical filter glass, glass as tele-communication parts and glass powder are being produced.
Mainly, optical filter glass, glass as tele-communication parts and glass powder are being produced.
œAble to develop various glass composition and form such glass
œAble to develop glass whichever you want
œAble to adopt your consignment production (not only mass production but also trial production)
œAble to supply glass customized for your request
œAble to develop glass whichever you want
œAble to adopt your consignment production (not only mass production but also trial production)
œAble to supply glass customized for your request
Various composition and shape
Optical filter, Color adjustment, Sensor, Heat absorption, Chemical strength, UV transparent, IR transparent, Light guide, Radiation resistance, Solid electrolyte, Dental material, Low melting point, Lead free, any other you want
Optical filter, Color adjustment, Sensor, Heat absorption, Chemical strength, UV transparent, IR transparent, Light guide, Radiation resistance, Solid electrolyte, Dental material, Low melting point, Lead free, any other you want
Plate, Thin plate (Micro sheet), Glass block, Powder, Glass lid, Glass mold, Press formed, any other you want
Plate, Thin plate (Micro sheet), Glass block, Powder, Glass lid, Glass mold, Press formed, any other you want

œCovering glass/Filter for image sensor
œCovering glass/Filter for high-resonance camera/camera module
œToF/Filter for ranging sensor
œCovering glass for optical devices (LED, semiconductor laser)
œCovering glass/Filter for industrial use camera
œLight gauge (beam splitter, light transceiver, etc)
œRadiation resistance glass
œGlass for Bonding/Sealing
œDental material
œSolid electrolyte glass powder
œCovering glass/Filter for high-resonance camera/camera module
œToF/Filter for ranging sensor
œCovering glass for optical devices (LED, semiconductor laser)
œCovering glass/Filter for industrial use camera
œLight gauge (beam splitter, light transceiver, etc)
œRadiation resistance glass
œGlass for Bonding/Sealing
œDental material
œSolid electrolyte glass powder